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Same Girl - Jennifer López

Letra de la canción Same Girl - Jennifer López, con su video oficial para escuchar en línea, la canción Same Girl interpretada por Jennifer López esta publicada en la categoria Jennifer Lopez donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.

Jennifer López interpreta uno de los temas que más suenan, si te emociona la buena música y te gusta saber la letra de tus canciones favoritas no te pierdas la letra de Same Girl , no dejaras de escucharla.

Video de Same Girl - Jennifer López

Same Girl - Jennifer López
Con este video Jennifer López vuelve a sus raíces, esta es la canción "Same Girl" en el que se acompaña de la Orquesta Juvenil del Lincoln Center.
Letra de Same Girl - Jennifer López
It's killing me 
I'm losing sleep 
And I'm waking up tired (of it all) 
3 in the morning 
And it's starting already 
With my name always involved 

I try to get rid of the baggage 
Fake friends I call them "has-been" 
Yeah they lying on stuff 
And I don't care if they don't show me love (no) 

So they want me to lie down 
They want me to crawl 
They want me to cry now 
But I've never fallen off 

Why you tryna put the world up on my shoulders? 
Get off of me 
Get off of me 
Too damn grown, I don't owe nobody 
Get off of me 
Get off of me 
Why you tryna put the world up on my shoulders?
Get off of me 
Get off of me 
Too damn grown, I don't owe nobody 
Get off of me 
Get off of me 
Cuz in the end I'm still the same girl (same girl) 
Same girl (same girl) 
Same girl (same girl) 
I'm just the same girl (same girl) 
Same girl (same girl) 
Same girl (same girl) 

Tell me what I gotta do 
I'm tryna make it clear to you 
Not dealing with the attitude 
I'm tired of tryna make you see that I'm still me 
So I check my longitude and latitude 
You're in my way, you better move 
Knowing everyone is tryna bring me down 
Ohh baby (ohh baby) 

So they want me to lie down 
They want me to crawl 
They want me to cry now 
But I've never fallen off 

Why you tryna put the world up on my shoulders? 
Get off of me 
Get off of me 
Too damn grown, I don't owe nobody 
Get off of me 
Get off of me 
Why you tryna put the world up on my shoulders? 
Get off of me 
Get off of me 
Too damn grown, I don't owe nobody 
Get off of me 
Get off of me 
Cuz in the end I'm still the same girl (same girl) 
Same girl (same girl) 
Same girl (same girl) 
I'm just the same girl (same girl) 
Same girl (same girl) 
Same girl (same girl)

La letra de la canción Same Girl - Jennifer López es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jennifer Lopez.

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