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Don't Say Goodbye - Paulina Rubio

Letra de la canción Don't Say Goodbye - Paulina Rubio, con su video oficial para escuchar en línea, la canción Don't Say Goodbye interpretada por Paulina Rubio esta publicada en la categoria Paulina Rubio donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.

Paulina Rubio interpreta uno de los temas que más suenan, si te emociona la buena música y te gusta saber la letra de tus canciones favoritas no te pierdas la letra de Don't Say Goodbye , no dejaras de escucharla.

Video de Don't Say Goodbye - Paulina Rubio

Paulina Rubio
Letra de Don't Say Goodbye - Paulina Rubio
The circle of the moon 
The rising of the sun 
We`ll be together soon 
Our story`s just begun 
Time will bring us near 
I`ll never be too far 
Oh, baby, don`t you fear 
I`ll always be where you are 
You can dry my tears 
But you can`t stop the pain inside 
I`m trying to hide 
As I hold you near 
I know I have to pull away 
You know that I can`t stay 
All of my life 
No one has touched me the way that you do 
Wherever I go 
I know that the road will lead back to you 
So don`t say goodbye 
Don`t turn away 
It doesn`t have to end today 
Don`t say goodbye 
`Cause I will love you `til the end of time 
Don`t say goodbye 
Can you feel my love inside 
The way that my body`s sighing 
With your every breath 
I try to memorize 
Every move you`re making 
So I`ll never forget 
The way that you feel 
Whenever your heart is beating with mine 
Wherever I go 
I`ll keep my memories of you inside 
Don`t say goodbye 
We`ll never be apart 
We`ll see the same stars 
Just close your eyes 
And I`ll be where you are 
Don`t say goodbye 
`Cause if you say that word 
My heart won`t survive 
Don`t say goodbye 
The circle of the moon 
The rising of the sun 
We`ll be together soon 
Our story`s just begun 
Time will bring us near 
I`ll never be too far 
Oh, baby, don`t you fear 
I`ll always be where you are 

La letra de la canción Don't Say Goodbye - Paulina Rubio es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Paulina Rubio.

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