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Nothing Really Matters - David Guetta ft Will.I.Am

Letra de la canción Nothing Really Matters - David Guetta ft Will.I.Am, con su video oficial para escuchar en línea, la canción Nothing Really Matters interpretada por David Guetta ft Will.I.Am esta publicada en la categoria David Guetta donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.

David Guetta ft Will.I.Am interpreta uno de los temas que más suenan, si te emociona la buena música y te gusta saber la letra de tus canciones favoritas no te pierdas la letra de Nothing Really Matters , no dejaras de escucharla.

Video de Nothing Really Matters - David Guetta ft Will.I.Am

David Guetta
Letra de Nothing Really Matters - David Guetta ft Will.I.Am
Watching the world
Watching them all go insabe
Look at them all
Looking them do evil things

So I go out and dance
Party my problems away
Look at me now
Look at me dancing again
In a club nothing really matters
In a club nothing really matters
In a club nothing really matters
In a club nothing really matters

Drop the beat...

In a club...

I rock club, like karma out there
Night shot til daylight
Hot models my type
Let's go, take flight
Explode dynamite
Disco blacklight

In a club...

Party people rocking hardcore in a club
DJ rock the fucking dancefloor in a club
Hot mamas dancing, oh lord, in a club
I just came to rock on out, to escape from the world

Watching the world
Watching them all go insabe
Look at them all
Looking them do evil things

So I go out and dance
Party my problems away
Look at me now
Look at me dancing again
In a club nothing really matters
In a club nothing really matters
In a club nothing really matters
In a club nothing really matters

Drop the beat...

In a club...

Feeling like a star when I walk in the house
DJ spin that record and he burned down the house
Just like MC hammer I'mma turn the motha out
I'mma rock the dancefloor, check me out
I am with all my people, we gon' fuck up the place
I was stressed out, so I had to get away
The world is going mad, I think they gone crazy
So I just gotta break on out

In a club nothing really matters
In a club nothing really matters
In a club nothing really matters
In a club nothing really matters

Drop the beat...

La letra de la canción Nothing Really Matters - David Guetta ft Will.I.Am es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista David Guetta.

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