1, 2 Step - Rihanna

1, 2 Step - Rihanna

1, 2 Step

Letra de la canción 1, 2 Step - Rihanna, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción 1, 2 Step esta publicada en la categoria Rihanna donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de 1, 2 Step - Rihanna
Ladies and gentlemen,
Ladies and gentlemen,
This is a Jazze Phizal (Jazze Phizal) productshizzle,
Missy (Missy),
The princess is here,
(She´s here) Ciara, This beat is

[Verse 1]
Automatic supersonic hypnotic funky fresh,
Work my body so melodic,
This beat flows right through my chest,
Everybody ma and pappi came to party,
Grab somebody,Work your body, work your body,
Let me see you 1,2 step

Rock it, don´t stop it,
Everybody get on the floor,
Wake the party up,
We about to get it on,
(Let me see ya´ll)
1,2 step,
(I love it when ya´ll)
1,2 step
1,2 step,
We about to get it on,
This beat is

[Verse 2]
Outrageous so contagious make you crave it,
(Jazze made it),
So retarded, top charted,
Ever since the day I started,
Strut my stuff,
And yes I flaunt it,
Goodies make the boys jump on it
(Jump on it),
No I can´t control myself,
Now let me do my 1,2 step


(We goin´to step it like this.oooohwee)

It don´t matter to me,
We can dance slow
(Ladies and gentlemen),
Whichever way the beats drop,
Our bodies will go
(I like this ah),
So swing it over here,
And we will, we will rock you up
It don´t matter to me,
We can dance slow
(Dance slow yeah),
Whichever way the beats drop,
Our bodies will go,
So swing it over
here, Mr. DJ,
(Ladies and gentlemen),
And we will, we will rock you,
Lets shake

I shake it like jello,
And make the boys say hello,
Cause they know im rockin´ the beat
(Rocking the beat),
I know you heard about a lot of great MC´s,
But they ain´t got nothing on me (nothing on me),
Because im 5 foot 2,
I wanna dance with you,
And im sophisticated fun,
I eat filet mignon,
And I´m nice and young,
Best believe im number one

[Hook 2x]

This is for the hearing impaired,
A Jazze Pha production, (oooohweee), (oooohwee)
La letra de la canción 1, 2 Step - Rihanna es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Rihanna.
¿La canción 1, 2 Step - Rihanna tiene un error? Repórtalo en el formulario de contacto.

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