A Girl Like Me - Rihanna

A Girl Like Me - Rihanna

A Girl Like Me

Letra de la canción A Girl Like Me - Rihanna, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción A Girl Like Me esta publicada en la categoria Rihanna donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de A Girl Like Me - Rihanna
Some girls play the game
They all walk and talk
And they dress the same
Nothin´ New To Say
Don´t they realize
That it´s so easy to see
Right though there disguise
Makes me wonder why
When the whole worlds turnin left
It´s when I´m goin right
I need someone to let me be
Just who I am inside

`Cause a girl like me
Is just a lil´ different from all the rest
And a girl likes me
Never Settles for Second Best
Could it be a boy like you
That would give me anything
If I asked him to
To take all my dreams
And Make them true
Show me all the reasons that you
Ought to be with a girl like me
Just like me

Got me trippin´
Thinkin´ of what could be
Between you and me
Still I need to know
Should I keep this feelin´
Or let it go
I can´t wait no more
So now´s the time
To speak your mind
And Show me what you feel
So tell me if you
Want to take a chance
On something real

`Cause a girl like me
Is just a lil´ different from all the rest
And a girl likes me
Never Settles for Second Best
Could it be a boy like you
That would give me anything
If I asked him to
To take all my dreams
And Make them true
Show me all the reasons that you
Ought to be with a girl like me
Just like me

Mirror Mirror on the wall
Catch me now before I fall
I wish I may, I wish I might
Find the Answer here tonight
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Catch me now before I fall
I wish I may, I wish I might
Find the Answer here tonight

When the whole world´s turnin left
It´s when I´m going right
I need someone to let me be
Just who I am inside

`Cause a girl like me
Is just a lil´ different from all the rest
And a girl likes me
Never Settles for Second Best
Could it be a boy like you
That would give me anything
If I asked him to
To take all my dreams
And Make them true
Show me all the reasons that you
Ought to be with a girl like me
Just like me
La letra de la canción A Girl Like Me - Rihanna es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Rihanna.
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