A Hell's Angel - Shakira

A Hell's Angel - Shakira

A Hell's Angel

Letra de la canción A Hell's Angel - Shakira, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción A Hell's Angel esta publicada en la categoria Shakira donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de A Hell's Angel - Shakira
Loca (Loca)
Dance or die (Loca)
Loca (Loca)

She's gettin' high all the time
Just to keep you from me
She get's you on like (ahh!)
Be carefull amigo
She talks in the morning just to wake you up
She's tied to your love
But your love's only mine, boy

Y sí, soy yo tranquila
Like I'm on a beach in Anguilla
Sippin' on Corona
Like it's nothin' goin' on
I ain't leavin' you alone
Texting other girls
Whats it gonna take just to keep them off

And I'm crazy, but you like it (loca, loca, loca)
You like that it ain't easy (loca, loca, loca)
I'm crazy but you like it (loca, loca, loca)
I'm crazy but you like it...

That girl is a nutter
Hot though, I heat up when I touch her
Chica caliente
Got me rapping to merengue
I feel so el presidente
I'm runnin' shit and I'm lovin' it
She's got a mean lil' butt,
But you should see what she does with it
She keeps it down low (down low, down low)
I can never get enough (oh no, oh no)
She gives me the runaround,
But I stay chasin'
But I mean, yo, I'm in love
With a crazy girl
but it's all good
and it's fine by me
Just as long as I hear her say, "Ay, papi"

And I'm crazy, but you like it (loca, loca, loca)
You like that it ain't easy (loca, loca, loca)
I'm crazy but you like it (loca, loca, loca)
I'm crazy but you like it...

You're the one for me
and for her no more
Now you think she's got it all
I got one kiki

You're the one for me
and for her no more
Now you think she's got it all
I got my kiki

There's a lot of things
that I'd do to please you
Take you to the medico por el caminito
Cuz we’re gonna get some Mambo
Oh, what she do in the Laui?

I really can't help it
If I make the lady loca
I don't want no trouble
I just wanna hit the (Ooh!)

And I'm crazy, but you like it
'Cause the kinda girl like me
Is never far from the market

And I'm crazy, but you like it (loca, loca, loca)
You like that it ain't easy (loca, loca, loca)
I'm crazy but you like it (loca, loca, loca)
I'm crazy but you like it (Dios mío)

That girl is (Loca)
That girl is (Loca)
That girl is (Loca)

That girl is (Loca)
That girl is (Loca)

You're the one for me
and for her no more
Now you think she's got it all
I got my kiki

And I'm crazy, but you like it (loca, loca, loca)
You like that it ain't easy (loca, loca, loca)
La loca, la loca, la loca (loca)
Loca (loca)
La letra de la canción A Hell's Angel - Shakira es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Shakira.
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