Adicto - Enrique Iglesias

Adicto - Enrique Iglesias
Letra de la canción Adicto - Enrique Iglesias, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Adicto esta publicada en la categoria Enrique Iglesias donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Enrique Iglesias
Letra de Adicto - Enrique Iglesias
When it’s over, that’s the time i fall in love again.
When it’s over, that’s the time you’re in my heart again.
And when you go, go, go, go, i know it never ends; it never ends.

All things that i used to say, all words that got in the way,
All things that i used to know have gone out the window.
All things that she used to bring, all songs that she used to sing,
All her favorite tv shows have gone out the window.

In missing you, i never knew how much you loved me.
I’m missing you, i never knew how much you meant to me; i need you.
And when you go, go, go, go, i know it never ends; it never ends.

All things that i used to say, all words that got in the way,
All things that i used to know have gone out the window.
All things that she used to bring, all songs that she used to sing,
All her favorite tv shows have gone out the window.

I’m wishing you…you never said you were pretending.
I’m wishing you…you’d feel the same and just come back to me; i need you.
And when you go, go, go, go, i know it never ends; it never ends.

When it’s over, can i still come over?
When it’s over, is it really over?

When it’s over, that’s the time i fall in love again.

All things that i used to say, all words that got in the way,
All things that i used to know have gone out the window.
All things that she used to bring, all songs that she used to sing,
All her favorite tv shows have gone out the window.

All things that i used to say, all words that got in the way,
All things that i used to know have gone out the window.
All things that she used to bring, all songs that she used to sing,
All her favorite tv shows have gone out the window.

All things that i used to say, all words that got in the way,
All things that i used to know have gone out the window…
La letra de la canción Adicto - Enrique Iglesias es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Enrique Iglesias.
¿La canción Adicto - Enrique Iglesias tiene un error? Repórtalo en el formulario de contacto.

Lo más visto de Enrique Iglesias

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