After I Am Gone - Shakira

After I Am Gone - Shakira

After I Am Gone

Letra de la canción After I Am Gone - Shakira, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción After I Am Gone esta publicada en la categoria Shakira donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de After I Am Gone - Shakira
Let us be wrong and let's begin
A mistake that turns into perfection
I want to see you sliding in
My underworld

This time I plan to let you win
I'll be victim of my own invention
Let us be wrong and let's begin
Once and for all

Heaven waves and braids
No man shall undo
And I've costume made
For no one but you
You know it's now or never

I have a feeling inside
(Despacio, despacio, comienzas a caer )
And intuition's always been a woman's guide
(Te siento, te siento, desde antes de nacer )
We've been wanting each other since before we were born
(Adentro, adentro, te vas quedando)
And I will want you even after I am gone
(Así, estoy dispuesta a todo amor )

This time I plan to let you win
I'll be here in false subordination
I'll be devoted to your will
Once and for all
Love is only pain
Disguised as a kiss

So make me feel it now
Let's get on with this
And the sooner the better

I have a feeling inside
(Despacio, despacio, comienzas a caer)
And intuition's always been a woman's guide
(Te siento, te siento, desde antes de nacer)
We've been wanting each other since before we were born
(Adentro, adentro, te vas quedando)
And I will want you even after I am gone
(Así, estoy dispuesta a todo...)

I have a feeling inside
(Despacio, despacio, comienzas a caer)
And intuition's always been a woman's guide
(Te siento, te siento, desde antes de nacer)
We've been wanting each other since before we were born
(Adentro, adentro, te vas quedando)
And I will love you even after I am gone

After I am gone…
La letra de la canción After I Am Gone - Shakira es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Shakira.
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