Alive - Black Eyed Peas

Alive - Black Eyed Peas
Letra de la canción Alive - Black Eyed Peas, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Alive esta publicada en la categoria Black Eyed Peas donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Black Eyed Peas

Letra de Alive - Black Eyed Peas

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I got so much love
For you darlin' and i,
I wanna let you know how i feel

And its true that i love you
And it's true your the only one and i do,
I adore you
And its true girl

You make me feel alive ive ive ive 4x

You said - you said - you said
That im the only one
You said that im your number 1
Now your gone and i feel numb
Tell me where do we go wrong
You are my best friend and boyfriend
Now its seems like you're my worst friend
I gotta do soul searching
Without you im a whole different person
I aint acting like i used to
I don't feel loved like i used to
It was your love i was used to
Why do i had to lo-lo-lo-lose
Your love your love your love
Your love is what it was
That have me feeling **bust**
***you are my true love***

And its true that i love you
And it's true your the only one and i do
I adore you
And its true girl

You make me feel alive ive ive ive 4x
Hey girl ur the only one
**must** be my number one
Now your gone i feel so numb
Tell me how do we go wrong
First friends then we became best-friend
You used to be my girlfriend
Now your my worst friend
Yeah i gotta do a lil soul searching
Without you im a whole different person
I don't even act like i used to
I don't even feel loved like i used to
I guess its your love that i used to
And i feel bad that i lose you
I get so many things that i wanna sa-sa-sa-sa...
I guess this mean that im missing you
Sorry for the things that i did to you
Im so lost without you

And its true that i love you
And it's true your the only one and i do,
I adore you
And its true girl

U make me feel alive ive ive ive 4x

[fergie /]
La di di da la di da la da
La di da la di da
La di di da la di da la da
La di da la di da

I got so much love

La di di da la di da la da
La di da la di da

I got so much love

La di di di di di di di da la la la la

...i adore u and its true girl

You make me feel alive ive ive ive 4x

So easy to fall in love with u
And all the things that u do
Baby girl ur so remarkable
So special, so wonderful
So special, so wonderful
So special, so wonderful

Baby girl ur so remarkable
So spesh-al-al-al-al-al-al

La letra de la canción Alive - Black Eyed Peas es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Black Eyed Peas.
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