All aboard - Romeo ft. Lil Wayne

All aboard - Romeo ft. Lil Wayne
Romeo Santos

All aboard

Letra de la canción All aboard - Romeo ft. Lil Wayne, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción All aboard esta publicada en la categoria Romeo Santos donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
All aboard - Romeo ft. Lil Wayne
Letra de All aboard - Romeo ft. Lil Wayne

	Hey… escucha las palabras… de Romeo 

You need this in your life (Yeah) Ven Aqui 

I’m gonna give you instructions 
You’re gonna follow my lead 
Your body’s making sounds like Percussions 
I’m orchestrating your fantasies 

And when you wake up feeling like a dream 
you aint gonna believe it.. 
And everything u need… 
girl you’re gonna receive it tonight 
and I know your condition 
i’ma make you feel alive 
Relax and feel the ride 

So act like it’s the last ride 
the last chance for you to go there 

just one ticket left 
and girl it’s for you baby 
the last ride, because you wont 
find this feeling nowhere 
you better hurry because the train is leaving 

ALLL ABOARD (Montate mami) 

I use these words as persuasion 
I don’t got a reason to speak 
it’s always a special vacation 
every time you’re laying with me 

And when you wake up feeling like a dream 
you aint gonna believe it.. 
And everything you need… 
girl you’re gonna receive it tonight 
and I know your condition 
i’ma make you feel alive 

so act like its the last time 
the last chance for you to go there 
just one ticket left 
and it’s for you baby 
the last ride, because you wont 
find this feeling nowhere 
you better hurry because the train is leaving 

Lil Wayne 

She wanna ride that Wayne Train 
So i’ma bag her like baggage claim 
You smoke that Mary and I plane Jane 
and everything is just fine 
I keep a picture of her smile 
in the back of my mind 
I grab the back of her head 
she throw it back like rewind 

I put her face in the pillow 
taste it a little 
shorty said she feels like 
she sitting on a missile 

I say 5, 4, 3, 2 
the one can only be you 
shorty said oh lord I’m coming 
I say me too 
My love has no equal, 
get on top 
And if you ride this train 
get off at your stop 
CHORUS (Romeo Santos) 

This is the last time 
the last chance for you to go there 

just one ticket left 
and girl it’s for you baby 
the last grind, and girl you won’t 
find this feeling nowhere 
you better hurry because the train is leaving
La letra de la canción All aboard - Romeo ft. Lil Wayne es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Romeo Santos.
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0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M

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