All Around The World - Paulina Rubio

All Around The World - Paulina Rubio
Paulina Rubio

All Around The World

Letra de la canción All Around The World - Paulina Rubio, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción All Around The World esta publicada en la categoria Paulina Rubio donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
All Around The World - Paulina Rubio
Letra de All Around The World - Paulina Rubio
My body is shaking
Can't stop it
Eh oh
This feeling is crazy
It's loco
Eh oh

Your body is popping
You love it
Eh oh
You ride in the same zone as i am
Eh oh

Why try to fight it
We were made to be wild

All around the world
We're rocking ande rolling
Like crazy
All the way

All around the world
We jump up
We dance
We go crazy

All the way round
Round, round round
Round, round round

All around the world
We´re rocking like crazy

Your hands on my body
I like it
Eh oh
I'm burning like fire

I'm sweating
Eh oh
I know that you need it
You want it
Eh oh
Cause i feel your heart going
Boom boom
Eh oh

La letra de la canción All Around The World - Paulina Rubio es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Paulina Rubio.
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