Animal City - Shakira

Animal City - Shakira

Animal City

Letra de la canción Animal City - Shakira, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Animal City esta publicada en la categoria Shakira donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Animal City - Shakira
La la la la la lei
La la lei
La la la la la la lei
La la lei

Why do all my friends
Now want to be your lovers?
Your family got bigger
When they thought you were rich

And now like maniacs
They scratch your back
Even when it doesn´t itch

I want to figure it all
I want to figure it all out
I want to save you from
Save you from all the fame
Save you from the things that cause us pain

´Cause it´s an animal city
It´s a cannibal world
So be obedient, don´t argue
Some are ready to fight you

It´s an animal city
It´s a cannibal world
So be obedient, don´t argue
Some are ready to fight you
My love

They believe you now
Have everything you wanted
And once you have become a star
You got no right to bitch

But someday when you fail
They´ll put you on sale
And buy you by the inch

But you´re the real deal
And "real" is your middle name
You know sometimes I feel
I gotta earn every breath you take
Baby, never mind the rules we break

´Cause it´s an animal city
It´s a cannibal world
So be obedient, don´t argue
Some are ready to bite you

It´s an animal city
It´s a cannibal world
So be obedient, don´t argue
Some are ready rip you right off

With you I feel safe
There´s nothing to fear from us
Away from the fangs
The fangs of the world
I may be a coward but you are brave
And nothing seems so dangerous

´Cause it´s an animal city
It´s a cannibal world
So be obedient, don´t argue
Some are ready to bite you

It´s an animal city
It´s a cannibal world
So be obedient, don´t argue
Some are ready rip you right off

Cannibal world
Cannibal world
Cannibal world
Cannibal world

So be obedient, don´t argue
Some are ready to bite you
My love
La letra de la canción Animal City - Shakira es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Shakira.
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