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Bailamos - Fergie

Letra de la canción Bailamos - Fergie, con su video oficial para escuchar en línea, la canción Bailamos interpretada por Fergie esta publicada en la categoria Fergie donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.

Fergie interpreta uno de los temas que más suenan, si te emociona la buena música y te gusta saber la letra de tus canciones favoritas no te pierdas la letra de Bailamos , no dejaras de escucharla.

Video de Bailamos - Fergie

Letra de Bailamos - Fergie
Woo, woo, woo, come on ya'll, woo
Keep movin it movin it movin it
Like this, like that, like this, whoaaa
Can you feel the life
It's a formal tonight
So bring your appetite
So feast on the mood
Drink up the groove
Feel the base in your bones
As the horns make you moan
Let the drums take the throan
And get in the mood
Slide in the groove
Cuz i really wanna see you dancin'
I really wanna see u movin'
It's a party and i'm goin crazy, whoaaa
If your feelin' like i'm feelin' then move your body
Don't stop, don't stop move your body
Give it all you got now everybody
Bailamos, Bailamos
Feelin' like i'm feelin' then move your body
Don't stop, don't stop move your body
Give it all you got now everybody Bailamooos
Now their lookin your way
As your starting to sway
To the band is they play
So feast on the mood
Drink up the grove
Move ur hips shake your thang
Tell the guitar to sing
And the fiesta bells ring
The piano moves
Cuz i really wanna see you dancin'
I really wanna see you movin'
It's a party and i'm goin' crazy whoaaa,
If ur feelin' like i'm feelin' then move your body
Don't stop, don't stop move your body
Give it all you got now everybody
Bailamos, Bailamos
Feelin' like i'm feelin then move your body
Don't stop, don't stop move your body
Give it all you got now everybody
Bailamos, Bailamos
If ur feelin' like i'm feelin' then move your body
Don't stop, don't stop move your body
Give it all you got now everybody
Bailamos Bailmos
Feelin like i'm feelin (x3)
Baila la la la la la lamooosssss

La letra de la canción Bailamos - Fergie es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Fergie.

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Novedades !!!

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