Bay Come Back - Calle 13

Bay Come Back - Calle 13
Calle 13

Bay Come Back

Letra de la canción Bay Come Back - Calle 13, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Bay Come Back esta publicada en la categoria Calle 13 donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Calle 13
Letra de Bay Come Back - Calle 13
She is a girl with a history
Hopefully never forget my
I think all the time in my solitude
Oh i think i'd understand what she does to me
Because when i leave
I do not even drink causes
I know you're somewhere else
With another male in another room
But i know i is not me
She is not and you know you
No one like you
Give me light, ah
Baby come back
You know i need you
Baby come back
My heart is on the floor
And comes as jo
And your body is like wow
And i feel like wow
What to do i do not know
Baby come back
You know i need you
Baby come back
My heart is on the floor
And comes as jo
And your body is like wow
And i feel like wow
What to do i do not know
(eh eh eh eh dale dale mambo mambo
Eh eh eh eh dale dale mambo mambo
Eh eh eh eh dale dale mambo mambo
Eh eh eh eh)
(haha i thought you knew ke)
Do not know if she knows i have bad
As time passes and things change at the end
My feelings are like never
* i * got her feel the same and miss me
Because frankly in my mind
Is to be with her in front
I stole my heart and soul as a criminal

Who loves you like me

Eh eh eh eh
Eh eh eh eh
Eh eh eh eh
Eh eh eh eh
Come on
Eh eh eh eh then i love you i love you
Eh eh eh eh i love you i love you
Eh eh eh eh i love you i love you
Eh eh eh eh i love you i love you
Baby come back
You know i need you
Baby come back
My heart is on the floor
And comes as jo
And your body is like wow
And i feel like wow
What to do i do not know
Baby come back
You know i need you
Baby come back
My heart is on the floor
Jo and comes as
And your body is like wow
And i feel like wow
What to do i do not know
Eh eh eh eh magic juan
Eh eh eh eh you know it
Eh eh eh eh
Eh eh eh eh
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