B-day Song - Madonna

B-day Song - Madonna
Letra de la canción B-day Song - Madonna, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción B esta publicada en la categoria Madonna donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de B-day Song - Madonna
And the beat goes on
I'm a happy girl
It's my birthday song
In my happy world

I know its gonna be a good day
oh yeah, today is my birthday

And the beat goes on (And the beat goes on)
I'm a happy girl (I'm a happy girl)
It's my birthday song (Oh yeah, it's my birthday)
In my happy world (in my happy world)

Light my candles, gotta make a wish
Wrap up the present and seal it with a kiss
Gimme a spanking, start today a fight
Cause its my day, you gonna sing my song tonight

And the beat goes on (And the beat goes on)
I'm a happy girl (I'm a happy girl)
It's my birthday song (Oh yeah, it's my birthday)
In my happy world (in my happy world)

I know its gonna be a good day
Oh yeah, today it's my birthday
I'm a happy girl (I'm a happy girl)

My top party there's no hangover
So grab your things you better come over
With you high and we are still stay sober
We through it down and we getting start over
My top party there's no hangover

And the beat goes on (And the beat goes on)
I'm a happy girl (I'm a happy girl)
It's my birthday song (Oh yeah, it's my birthday)
In my happy world (in my happy world)

I want a diamond, don't give me a fake
I'll let you lick the frosting of my cake
Gimme a spanking, start today a fight
Cause its my day, you gonna sing my song tonight

And the beat goes on (Na na na na, na na na na na)
Am a happy girl (Na na na na, na na na na na)
It's my birthday song (Na na na na, na na na na na)
In my happy world (Na na na na, na na na na na)

I know it's gonna be a good day
Oh yeah, today is my birthday
Am a happy girl
In my happy world

I know it's gonna be a good day
Oh yeah, today is my birthday
Am a happy girl
It's my birthday everyday

Na na na na, na na na na na, gonna sing my song tonight (x4)

Happy Birthday!
La letra de la canción B-day Song - Madonna es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Madonna.
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