Black and Yellow - Cali Y El Dandee

Black and Yellow - Cali Y El Dandee
Cali Y El Dandee

Black and Yellow

Letra de la canción Black and Yellow - Cali Y El Dandee, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Black and Yellow esta publicada en la categoria Cali Y El Dandee donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Cali Y El Dandee

Letra de Black and Yellow - Cali Y El Dandee

Yeah ! Aja...
You know what it is !!
(hey you)
(reall tough)
Yeah ! (aja)
You know what it is

The said in this song
(dale cali)
Ahh (ah)
You know what it is
(flybot, flybot)
All i do is fucking win

Ah (ah)
You know who i am
(cali y el dandee puedes ser lo que tu quieras ser)

Ahh (ah)
You know what it is
(flybot, flybot)
All i do is fucking win

Ah (ah)
You know who i am
(black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow)

Tengo 15 pendejos al lado mio que me dan besos de frente y me tiran si estoy dormido (yeah)
Que siempre escuchan lo que digo pa cuando me doy ___
Mira como ese malpa ah ah

900 kilos de calvos
Todos rapean igualito
Ninguno canta un carajo
Pero saludan bonito
Regalan hasta sus bolas pa que su musica suene y hacen la misma champeta pa que seguro les pegue
(yo que)
Yo no tengo de esa champeta
Tengo gente que le gusta el buen sonido
Y la musica inteliegente
Me dicen carechimba porque les miro de frente y se que a ninguno le importa vender producto decente.

Ahh (ah)
You know what it is
(flybot, flybot)
All i do is fucking win

Ah (ah)
You know who i am
(cali y el dandee puedes ser lo que tu quieras ser)

Ahh (ah)
You know what it is
(flybot, flybot)
All i do is fucking win

Ah (ah)
You know who i am
(black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow)

Money green, yellow broad
Aaron rodgers, mvp award
This is green bay, bitch we go hard
This is packer country, where ya green card?
Terrible towels, that shit’s borin’
We got the ball, you know we scorin’
Yeah, and thats how we rockin’ heavy metal
I’m up in this bitch wit’ more bloods than a blood vessel
Pitt goin’ down, say hello to the devil
Just beat the bears, now we got the steelers on the schedule
Yeah, no love for ‘em boy, break ya hearts
We gon’ toast these n-ggas, pop tarts

Ah (ah)
You know who i am
(cali y el dandee puedes ser lo que tu quieras ser)

Ahh (ah)
You know what it is
(flybot, flybot)
All i do is fucking win

Ah (ah)
You know who i am
(black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow)

C-catch me in my lamborghini (black and yellow black and yellow)
I can rock it on the beat (acapella, acapella)
Sideways on the turnin' lane
Fire flame i be burnin mane
Teddy pain bout to hurt the game
Took a break for a while, i been learning thangs
I learned how to tell a nigga "fuck you then"
(black and yellow black and yellow)
All i do is fuckin win
I told ya and now i'm on
You thought it was over, you thought i was gone
I'm goin' in you don't have to let me have to let me
Back from the dead like i'm makavelli makavelli.

Ahh (ah)
You know what it is
(flybot, flybot)
All i do is fucking win

Ah (ah)
You know who i am
(black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow)

La letra de la canción Black and Yellow - Cali Y El Dandee es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Cali Y El Dandee.
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