Blame It On The Boogie - Calle 13

Blame It On The Boogie - Calle 13
Calle 13

Blame It On The Boogie

Letra de la canción Blame It On The Boogie - Calle 13, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Blame It On The Boogie esta publicada en la categoria Calle 13 donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Calle 13
Letra de Blame It On The Boogie - Calle 13
My baby's always dancin'
And it wouldn't be a bad thing
But i don't get no loving
And that's no lie
We spent the night in frisco
At every kind of disco
From that night i kissed
Our love goodbye
Don't blame it on sunshine
Don't blame it on moonlight
Don't blame it on good times
Blame it on the boogie
Don't blame it on sunshine
Don't blame it on moonlight
Don't blame it on good times
Blame it on the boogie
The nasty boogie bugs me
But somehow it has drugged me
Spellbound rhythm gets me
On my feet
I've changed my life completely
I've seen the lightning leave me
My baby just can't take
Her eyes off me
Don't blame it on sunshine
Don't blame it on moonlight
Don't blame it on good times
Blame it on the boogie
Don't you blame it on sunshine
Don't blame it on moonlight
Don't blame it on good times
Blame it on the boogie
I just can't
I just can't
I just can't control my feet
I just can't
I just can't
I just can't control my feet
I just can't
I just can't
I just can't control my feet
I just can't
I just can't
I just can't control my feet
Don't blame it on sunshine
Don't blame it on moonlight
Don't blame it on good times
Blame it on the boogie
Don't blame it on sunshine
Don't blame it on moonlight
Don't blame it on good times
Blame it on the boogie
This magic music grooves me
That dirty rhythm moves me
The devil's gotten to me
Through this dance
I'm full of funky fever
And fire burns inside me
Boogie's got me in a
Super trance
Don't blame it on sunshine
Don't blame it on moonlight
Don't blame it on good times
Blame it on the boogie
Don't blame it on sunshine
Don't blame it on moonlight
Don't blame it on good times
Blame it on the boogie
Owww - sunshine
Whoo - moonlight
Yeah - goodtimes
Mmmm – boogie
You just gotta - sunshine
Yeah - moonlight
Good times – boogie
Don't you blame it - sunshine
You just gotta - moonlight
You just wanna - goodtimes
Yeah - boogie
Ohh blame it on yourself - sunshine
Ain't nobody's fault - moonlight
But yours and that boogie - goodtimes
On all night long – boogie
Yours and that boogie - sunshine
Ain't nobody's fault - moonlight
But yours and that boogie - goodtimes
Dancin' all night long – boogie
Blame it on yourself - sunshine
Ain't nobody's fault - moonlight
But yours and that funky funky boogie al night long goodtimes
La letra de la canción Blame It On The Boogie - Calle 13 es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Calle 13.
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