Caribbean Blues - Juan Luis Guerra

Caribbean Blues - Juan Luis Guerra
Juan Luis Guerra

Caribbean Blues

Letra de la canción Caribbean Blues - Juan Luis Guerra, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Caribbean Blues esta publicada en la categoria Juan Luis Guerra donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Juan Luis Guerra
Letra de Caribbean Blues - Juan Luis Guerra
Many cages many rules
many battles in my blues
Many days without a clue
but, you came and turned me loose
Call you when things don't go my way
you have the world that hits my brain
Heal me with your touch, anoint me
because your love is all I need
It's all about you
You're the one who lives inside my mind
a message falling from the sky
and a revelation of the moon
It's all about you
You are the one who stays and never goes
a solitary spotlight in my show
You are the one who plays the violin in my
Caribbean blues
I've got the habit of your smile
my dwelling place around your heart
Heal me with your touch, anoint me
because your love is all I need
It's all about you
You're the one who lives inside my mind
a message falling from the sky
and a revelation of the moon
It's all about you
You are the one who stays and never goes
a solitary spotlight in my show
You are the one who plays the violin in my
Caribbean blues
Por la marea, las olas llegan
Por la marea
Searching in the evening
stars above the ocean
falling constellations
you are the only light I know
Water takes a river
far beyond the mountains
In every road I take now
you're the only way that I know
It's all about you
You're the one who lives inside my mind
a message falling from the sky
and a revelation of the moon
It's all about you
You are the one who stays and never goes
a solitary spotlight in my show
You are the one who plays the violin in my
Caribbean blues
La letra de la canción Caribbean Blues - Juan Luis Guerra es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Juan Luis Guerra.
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Lo más visto de Juan Luis Guerra

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