C'mon C'mon - One Direction

C'mon C'mon - One Direction
One Direction

C'mon C'mon

Letra de la canción C'mon C'mon - One Direction, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción C'mon C'mon esta publicada en la categoria One Direction donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
One Direction
Letra de C'mon C'mon - One Direction
The one that I came with, she had to go 
But you look amazing, 
Standing alone 

So c'mon, c'mon 

Move a little closer now, 

C'mon, c'mon, 

Either way you're walkin' now 

C'mon, c'mon, 

Show me what you're all about, 

I've been watchin you all night, 
There's somethin' in your eyes, 
Say c'mon, c'mon, 
And dance with me baby 
The music is so loud, 
I wanna be yours now, 
So c'mon, c'mon, 
And dance with me baby 

The one that I came with, 
Didn't know how to move, 
The way that you let your hair down, 
I can tell that you do 

So c'mon, c'mon 

Move a little closer now, 

C'mon, c'mon, 

Either way you're walkin' now 

C'mon, c'mon, 

Show me what you're all about, 

I've been watchin you all night, 
There's somethin' in your eyes, 
Say c'mon, c'mon, 
And dance with me baby 
The music is so loud, 
I wanna be yours now, 
So c'mon, c'mon, 
And dance with me baby 

Every step I take, 
I'm feelin' more and more, 
She's callin' out, 
She's a lucky girl 
My heart is racin', 
She's turnin' around, 
I reach for her hand, 
And I say 

Hey, I've been watchin you all night, 

There's somethin' in your eyes, 
Say c'mon, c'mon, 
And dance with me baby 
The music is so loud, 
I wanna be yours now, 
So c'mon, c'mon, 
And dance with me baby 

C'mon, c'mon 
C'mon, c'mon 
C'mon, c'mon 
And dance with me baby
La letra de la canción C'mon C'mon - One Direction es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista One Direction.
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