Come As You Are (A duo con Jaci Velasquez) - Luis Fonsi

Come As You Are (A duo con Jaci Velasquez) - Luis Fonsi
Luis Fonsi

Come As You Are (A duo con Jaci Velasquez)

Letra de la canción Come As You Are (A duo con Jaci Velasquez) - Luis Fonsi, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Come As You Are (A duo con Jaci Velasquez) esta publicada en la categoria Luis Fonsi donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Luis Fonsi
Letra de Come As You Are (A duo con Jaci Velasquez) - Luis Fonsi
You are the reason
For blue in the sky
Yes, you are the reason why
Snow covers winter
And melts into Spring
And rivers meet the sea

*God is here for you
And you were made for Him
He'll give you more of everything
Cause He has always loved you
His promises are true, so true
If you*

Come as you are
*Don't change a thing*
Open your heart
He'll walk right in
Come as you are
*No alibis*
His love for you
Will never die

*There is a heaven
Open your eyes
And there you have no disguise*
He'll never leave you
No need to hide
(He's always by your side)

If you just believe
There is a way you'll see
(It's just one step to eternity)
And He will always love you
This promise will be true, (so true
If you)

Come as you are
Don't change a thing
Open your heart
*He'll walk right in*
Come as you are
No alibis
His love for you
(Will never die)
La letra de la canción Come As You Are (A duo con Jaci Velasquez) - Luis Fonsi es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Luis Fonsi.
¿La canción Come As You Are (A duo con Jaci Velasquez) - Luis Fonsi tiene un error? Repórtalo en el formulario de contacto.

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