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Disturbia - Rihanna

Letra de la canción Disturbia - Rihanna, con su video oficial para escuchar en línea, la canción Disturbia interpretada por Rihanna esta publicada en la categoria Rihanna donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.

Rihanna interpreta uno de los temas que más suenan, si te emociona la buena música y te gusta saber la letra de tus canciones favoritas no te pierdas la letra de Disturbia , no dejaras de escucharla.

Video de Disturbia - Rihanna

Letra de Disturbia - Rihanna
What’s wrong with me?
Why do I feel like this?

I’m going crazy now.
No more guessin’ ….
can’t even get started
Nothing heard nothing said
Can’t even speak about it.
I’ma light on my head
Don’t wanna think about it.
Feels like I’m going insane

It’s a theif in the night to come and grab you.
It can creep on inside you and Consume you.
A disease of the mind it can control you.
It’s too close for comfort.

And in the bright lights.
you’re in the city of wonder.
In compared nights.
Watch it can make you go under.
You better think twice.
Portray to follow the ups.
So if you must falter be wise.

Your minds in disturbia.
It’s like a dark decision light.
in disturbia
Am I scarin’ you now.
Gettin used to what you like.
Disturbia Disturbia

Faded pictures on the wall.
It’s like they’re talkin to me
Disconnected on call.
The phone tell me to ring.
I gotta get up or figure this sh** out.
it’s too close for comfort ohhhh.

It’s a theif in the night to come and grab you.
It can creep on inside you and Consume you.
A disease of the mind it can control you.
I feel like a monster.

I’m going crazy now.
No more guessin’ ….
can’t even get started
Nothing heard nothing said
Can’t even speak about it.
I’ma light on my head
Don’t wanna think about it.
Feels like I’m going insane

It’s a theif in the night to come and grab you.
It can creep on inside you and Consume you.
A disease of the mind it can control you.
It’s too close for comfort.

And in the bright lights.
you’re in the city of wonder.
In compared nights.
Watch it can make you go under.
You better think twice.
Portray to follow the ups.
So if you must falter be wise.

Your minds in disturbia.
It’s like a dark decision light.
in disturbia
Am I scarin’ you now.
Gettin used to what you like.
Disturbia Disturbia.


Release me from this curse I’m in
Tryin’ to pretend that I’m struggling.
If you can go
Think I’m gonna ahhhh

Why do I feel like this?

I’m going crazy now.
No more guessin’ ….
can’t even get started
Nothing heard nothing said
Can’t even speak about it.
I’ma light on my head
Don’t wanna think about it.
Feels like I’m going insane

It’s a theif in the night to come and grab you.
It can creep on inside you and Consume you.
A disease of the mind it can control you.
It’s too close for comfort.

And in the bright lights.
you’re in the city of wonder.
In compared nights.
Watch it can make you go under.
You better think twice.
Portray to follow the ups.
So if you must falter be wise.

Your minds in disturbia.
It’s like a dark decision light.
in disturbia
Am I scarin’ you now.
Gettin used to what you like.
Disturbia Disturbia

Faded pictures on the wall.
It’s like they’re talkin to me
Disconnected on call.
The phone tell me to ring.
I gotta get up or figure this sh** out.
it’s too close for comfort ohhhh.

It’s a theif in the night to come and grab you.
It can creep on inside you and Consume you.
A disease of the mind it can control you.
I feel like a monster.

I’m going crazy now.
No more guessin’ ….
can’t even get started
Nothing heard nothing said
Can’t even speak about it.
I’ma light on my head
Don’t wanna think about it.
Feels like I’m going insane

It’s a theif in the night to come and grab you.
It can creep on inside you and Consume you.
A disease of the mind it can control you.
It’s too close for comfort.

And in the bright lights.
you’re in the city of wonder.
In compared nights.
Watch it can make you go under.
You better think twice.
Portray to follow the ups.
So if you must falter be wise.

Your minds in disturbia.
It’s like a dark decision light.


in disturbia
Am I scarin’ you now.
Gettin used to what you like.
Disturbia Disturbia

La letra de la canción Disturbia - Rihanna es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Rihanna.

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