Do It Like This - Black Eyed Peas

Do It Like This - Black Eyed Peas
Black Eyed Peas

Do It Like This

Letra de la canción Do It Like This - Black Eyed Peas, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Do It Like This esta publicada en la categoria Black Eyed Peas donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Black Eyed Peas

Letra de Do It Like This - Black Eyed Peas

I betcha can`t
Betcha can’t do it like this
I betcha can`t
Betcha can’t do it like this
I betcha can`t
Betcha can’t rock it like this
I betcha can`t
Betcha can’t rock it like this

1…2…3… to the 4
Coming to you Hood
Like a sky missle…

Fergie rock the beat
Down to the gristle
I spit it clean just
Like listerine

I’m so oficial

That’s why I’m rockin
This rockin this whistle

I’m in the disco…

When I dj I turn
The bass up the ticko

The girls with the
Big big booties

I’m straight chillin
Coolin out with cuties
21 and over ain’t messin
With juvies
Girls always talking about
I ain’t no groupie

I ain’t stupie
I know what the truth be
You was up chillin’
With Wheezy last week
You nasty
Admit it you nasty
Trying to act classy
Askin’ for a glass…

Please, grab a glass and ask for some
I gave Moet
I said I don’t want trouble
But she said won’t get busy cause
She’s dizzy so said let’s jet

We did it and we did it
And we did it like this
We did it and we did it
And we did it like this
We did it and we did it
And we did it like this
We did it and we did it
And we did it like…

I said I betcha can`t…
Betcha can’t rock it like that

I said I betcha can`t…
Betcha can’t rock it like that

I betcha can`t…
Betcha can’t rock it like that
I betcha can`t…
Betcha can`t…

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