Don't Phunk With My Heart - Black Eyed Peas

Don't Phunk With My Heart - Black Eyed Peas
Black Eyed Peas

Don't Phunk With My Heart

Letra de la canción Don't Phunk With My Heart - Black Eyed Peas, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Don't Phunk With My Heart esta publicada en la categoria Black Eyed Peas donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Black Eyed Peas

Letra de Don't Phunk With My Heart - Black Eyed Peas

No, no, no, no, don’t phunk with my heart 
No, no, no, no, don’t phunk with my heart 

I wonder if I take you home 
Would you still be in love, baby (in love, baby) 
I wonder if I take you home 
Would you still be in love, baby (in love, baby) 

Girl, you know you got me, got me 
With your pistol shot me, shot me 
And I'm here helplessly 
In love and nothing can stop me 
You can't stop me cause once I start it 
Can't return me cause once you bought it 
I'm coming baby, don’t got it (don’t make me wait) 
So let’s be about it 

No, no, no, no, don’t phunk with my heart 

Baby, have some trustin', trustin' 
When I come in lustin', lustin' 
Cause I bring you that comfort 
I ain’t only here cause I want ya body 
I want your mind too 
Interestin’s what I find you 
And I'm interested in the long haul 
Come on girl (yee-haw) 

(come on) 

I wonder if I take you home 
Would you still be in love, baby (in love, baby) 
I wonder if I take you home 
Would you still be in love, baby (in love, baby) 

No, no, no, no, don’t phunk with my heart 

Girl, you had me, once you kissed me 
My love for you is not iffy 
I always want you with me 
I'll play Bobby and you’ll play Whitney 
If you smoke, i'll smoke too 
That’s how much I'm in love with you 
Crazy is what crazy do 
Crazy in love, I'm a crazy fool 

No, no, no, no, don’t phunk with my heart 

Why are you so insecure 
When you got passion and love her 
You always claimin’ I'm a cheater 
Think I'd up and go leave ya 
For another señorita 
You forgot that I need ya 
You must’ve caught amnesia 
That’s why you don’t believe 

(uh, yeah, check it out) 

Don’t you worry ‘bout a thing, baby 
Cause you know you got me by a string, baby 
Don’t you worry ‘bout a thing, baby 
Cause you know you got me by a string, baby 

Baby girl, you make me feel 
You know you make me feel so real 
I love you more than sex appeal 
(Cause you’re) 
That-tha, that tha, that-tha, that girl [5x] 

No, no, no, no, don’t phunk with my heart [2x] 
That-tha, that tha, that-tha, that girl [2x] 

I wonder if I take you home 
Would you still be in love, baby (in love, baby) [4x] 

Don’t you worry ‘bout a thing, baby 
Cause you know you got me by a string, baby 
Don’t you worry ‘bout a thing, baby 
Cause you know you got me by a string, baby 

La letra de la canción Don't Phunk With My Heart - Black Eyed Peas es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Black Eyed Peas.
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