Dr.Bieber - Justin Bieber

Dr.Bieber - Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber


Letra de la canción Dr.Bieber - Justin Bieber, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Dr.Bieber esta publicada en la categoria Justin Bieber donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Justin Bieber
Letra de Dr.Bieber - Justin Bieber
Cure the Bieber fever
Dr. Bieber
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber (Bieber fever is 
spreading across the country..)
Dr. Bieber (wait world no universe..)
Dr. Bieber ( Bieber fever is spreading rapidly 
and its incurable I repeat incurable)
Bieber fever

Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Cure the fever
Cur cur cure the fever
Cur cure the fever
Cure the bieber fever
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Cure the fever
Cur cur cure the fever
Cur cure the fever
Cure the Bieber fever ( yeah, yeah )
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Yeah, I got a PHD
I don't need a fake ID
Yeah you females know of me
I'm so sick with no IV
Bieber fever's in the street
Time to realize
Ima beast, Ima beast, Ima Beast
Say it 3 times cuz they know it's right
Catch this virus in the night
I know it's incurable
It's durable
But it's alright
It just spread across the globe
Into every single home
Every city
Every country
Every girl is on the phone
(Oh my gosh I love him. Isn't he perfect? )
You can be my queen, yeah
I'll show u how I work it
How I work it
How I how I work it
How I work it
How I how I work it
This is not a cold,
Not a flu
Not a sickness
Baby this is good
And it doesn't hurt to get this
You were never cured
And you never will regret this
Yeah, my swag's up
Riding with Kenny
In the Lexis

Oh My God
It's bieber fever
It's everywhere
It's taking over the water
It's taking over the air streams
You can not run from it
You can not hide from it
That's why we call it

Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Cure the fever
Cur cur cure the fever
Cur cure the fever
Cure the bieber fever
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Cure the fever
Cur cur cure the fever
Cur cure the fever
Cure the bieber fever
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Dr. Bieber
Doc Doc Doc Dr. Bieber
Cure the fever
Cur cur cure the fever
Cur cure the fever
Cure the bieber fever
We Know the DJ .com
We got DJ Tay James right here
We also got Sean Kingston

Whats up?
You know what it is Bieber fever
Shawty mane, shawty mane
I caught Bieber fever too.
La letra de la canción Dr.Bieber - Justin Bieber es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Justin Bieber.
¿La canción Dr.Bieber - Justin Bieber tiene un error? Repórtalo en el formulario de contacto.

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