Esta Vida (en ingles) - Jorge Celedon

Esta Vida (en ingles) - Jorge Celedon
Jorge Celedon

Esta Vida (en ingles)

Letra de la canción Esta Vida (en ingles) - Jorge Celedon, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Esta Vida (en ingles) esta publicada en la categoria Jorge Celedon donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Jorge Celedon
Letra de Esta Vida (en ingles) - Jorge Celedon
I like the smell that is tomorrow
I like the first traguito coffee
Feeling like the sun is coming to my window
And fills me with the look of a beautiful sunrise
I like to listen to the peace of the mountains
Watching the colors of the sunset
Feel my feet in the sand on the beach
And what sweet cane when kiss my wife
... Is that the time brings rush
Pa 'borrarme of the list but I say that:
Oh, how beautiful is this life
Although sometimes both stave
And despite the sorrows always someone we want to and
There's always someone who cares
Aya yayay ... how beautiful is this life
Although it is not forever
If I live with my people
It's nice to death with brandy and tequila

Brindemos for life is beautiful
Quiérela quiérela

I like to listen to the voice of a guitar
Toast one friend who was
To feel the hug of the night
And fill the gaze of another beautiful sunrise ..

It is that time takes a hurry
Pa borrarme from list
But I say that ....
Aya yayay how beautiful is this life
But sometimes both Stavechurch
Despite what sorrows
There is always someone who wants us
There is always someone who cares ...
Aya yayay how beautiful is this life
And although it is not forever
If I live with my people
It is nice to death with brandy and tequila .. (BIS) 
La letra de la canción Esta Vida (en ingles) - Jorge Celedon es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jorge Celedon.
¿La canción Esta Vida (en ingles) - Jorge Celedon tiene un error? Repórtalo en el formulario de contacto.

Lo más visto de Jorge Celedon

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