Every Little Thing You do - Laura Pausini

Every Little Thing You do - Laura Pausini
Laura Pausini

Every Little Thing You do

Letra de la canción Every Little Thing You do - Laura Pausini, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Every Little Thing You do esta publicada en la categoria Laura Pausini donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Laura Pausini
Letra de Every Little Thing You do - Laura Pausini
When you listen to my heart 
Oh I like it
When you touch me 
I get so excited
And I never thought that I would say
I'm upon away and so into
Every little thing you do
When you look at me that way
Oh it moves me
When you take my hand the love goes right through me
And the reason that it feels so good
Is because you put your heart into
Every little thing you do
You're the rhythm in my song
You're the switch that turns me on
The only place where I belong or want to be
You're the half that makes me whole
The only one who seizes my soul
Baby it's so real but still I can't believe
Every little thing that you do to me
When you take my hands
I like it
Oh I Like it
When you listen to my heart
Oh I like it
I like it
Even in the night when you're not here with me
My sweetest dreams still take me to
Every little thing you do
You're the rhythm in my song
You're the switch that turns me on
The only place where I belong and or want to be
You're the heaven that makes me hope
The only one who seizes my soul
Baby it's so real but still I can't believe
You're the rhythm in my song
You're the switch that turns me on
The only place where I belong and want to be with you
You're the heaven that makes me hope
The only one who seizes my soul
Baby it's so real but still I can't believe
Every little thing you do to me
I Like it
I like it
Every little thing
I like it
La letra de la canción Every Little Thing You do - Laura Pausini es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Laura Pausini.
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Lo más visto de Laura Pausini

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