Falling Free - Madonna

Falling Free - Madonna

Falling Free

Letra de la canción Falling Free - Madonna, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Falling Free esta publicada en la categoria Madonna donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Falling Free - Madonna
When I move a certain way,
I feel an ache I’ve kept at bay.
A hairline break, this aching hold
A medal that I thought was gold.
And pure so sure it struck a vein.
I wanted you to feel the same,
So when you did ignite a spark,
Rescue me from all this dark.
See our hearts are intertwined,
Then I’m free, free of mine,
I’m falling free.
Then see our hearts are intertwined,
And then I’m free, I’m free of mine.
Deep and pure our hearts align.
And then I’m free, I’m free of mine.
When I raise the certain wing,
And crawl beneath that growing thing.
It throws a shadow over time,
And keeps yours falling next to mine.
Your days were meant to fly undued,
I fall and fold mine into you,
And what you take is just enough,
And what you give is what I love.
And when you lift you raise the sail,
And then I’m free, free to fail,

I’m falling free.
Deep and pure our hearts align,
Then I'm free, I'm free of mine.
When I let loose the need to know,
Then we're both free, we're free to go.
When I lose a certain claim,
That tries to know and needs to blame.
Whatever river runs aground,
It turns my head and washes down.
The face of God that stands above,
Pouring over hope and love,
That all of might and life and limb,
Could turn around a love again.
When I let loose the need to know,
Then we're both free, free to go.
I'm falling free.
I’m fallin, I’m fallin, I’m falling free.
I’m fallin, I’m fallin, I’m falling free
Deep and pure our hearts align,
And then I’m free, I’m free of mine.
When I let loose the need to know,
Then we’re both free, we’re free to go.
Deep and pure our hearts align,
And then I’m free, I’m free of mine.
I let loose the need to know,
Then we’re both free, free to go.
La letra de la canción Falling Free - Madonna es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Madonna.
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