Finally Found You - Enrique Iglesias Ft. Daddy Yankee

Finally Found You - Enrique Iglesias Ft. Daddy Yankee
Enrique Iglesias

Finally Found You

Letra de la canción Finally Found You - Enrique Iglesias Ft. Daddy Yankee, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Finally Found You esta publicada en la categoria Enrique Iglesias donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Finally Found You - Enrique Iglesias Ft. Daddy Yankee
Letra de Finally Found You - Enrique Iglesias Ft. Daddy Yankee
[Daddy Yankee:]
Sube la botella al aire
Se armo la dura en esta
Enrique Iglesias
Come on!
[Enrique Iglesias:]
You know I'm gon get ya, yeah,
Whatever it takes, get there,
No, I won't drop you,
Like everybody else does.
Forget about your friends they don't care where we go,
If they do, look like lost, stand in a crowd of people,
I've been looking for you,
Forever, baby, we go,
Together baby we go, we go...
In this crazy world of choices I've only got a few,
Either you're coming with me, or I'm coming with you,
Cause I finally found, I finally found you...
You never have don't worry if I what I say is true,
Girl I've been looking for you,
And when I saw you I knew,
That I finally found, I finally found you.
[Parte instrumental]
I'm coming, I'll get ya, yeah,
We have a connection, that's right,
Cause girl I'm not letting go,
I'm gonna make you feel right, oh yeah.
Forget about your friends they don't care where we go,
If they do, look like lost, stand in a crowd of people,
I've been looking for you,
Forever, baby, we go,
Together baby we go, we go.
In this crazy world of choices I've only got a few,
Either you're coming with me, or I'm coming with you,
Cause I finally found, I finally found you...
You never have don't worry if I what I say is true,
Girl I've been looking for you,
And when I saw you I knew,
That I finally found, I finally found you.
[Parte instrumental]
I finally found,
I finally found you...
[Daddy Yankee:]
Mami, yo no soy santo he
Pero ando con iglesias en esta jaja
Finalmente te encontré, no hay ma nada que buscar
como yo te imagine,
una shorty with the body right by my side
there are keep me going, to the all the morning
no hay ma' nada que buscar
no te me resbale
que este plan me sale
aquí todo se vale
así que vamo' a darle.
We running the way
forget what they say
ven conmigo
I show you the way
does me not the else
Si quieres tu
estoy pa' ti
bien right true
ma' I finally, finally found you.
[Enrique Iglesias:]
In this crazy world of choices I've only got a few,
Either you're coming with me, or I'm coming with you,
Cause I finally found, I finally found you,
Finally finally finally found you,
Finally finally finally found,
Finally found, I finally found you.
You know I gon' get ya...
La letra de la canción Finally Found You - Enrique Iglesias Ft. Daddy Yankee es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Enrique Iglesias.
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