First Dance - Justin Bieber

First Dance - Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber

First Dance

Letra de la canción First Dance - Justin Bieber, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción First Dance esta publicada en la categoria Justin Bieber donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Justin Bieber
Letra de First Dance - Justin Bieber
First Dance - Justin Bieber Ft. Usher

Its your chance take her hand to the floor (to the floor)
And if you see something you like then let her know
But you only got one chance it your first dance

When I close my eyes I see me and you at the prom,
We've been both been waiting so long for this day
To come now that it's here lets make it special
There's so many thoughts in my mind the DJ's playing
My favorite song ain't no chaperone's this could be
The night of a dream.

If you give, give the first dance to me girl I promise
I'll be gentle but we gotta do it slowly if you give,
Give your first dance to me we'll cherish every moment,
It only happens once, once in a life time.

I couldn't ask for more we're rockin' back and forth
Under the disco ball we're the only ones on the floor
[we're here tonight], So many thoughts in my mind the DJ's playing
My favorite song how we're all alone, here's to opportunity
Only if you give,

Give the first dance to me girl I promise i'll be gentle
But we gotta do it slowly if you give, give the first dance
To me we'll cherish every moment, it only happens once, once
In a life time.

Everybody says that we look cute together lets make this a night
The two us remember, no teachers around to see us dancin' close
I'm tellin' you our parents will never know before the lights
Up and the music turns off now's the perfect time for me to taste
Your lipgloss, your glass slippers in my hand right here, we'll
Make it before the clock strikes nine.

If you give, give the first dance to me girl I promise
I'll be gentle but we gotta do it slowly if you give,
Give the first dance to me we'll cherish every moment,
It only happens once, once in a life time

If you give, give the first dance to me im gon cherish
Every moment cause it only happens once, once in a life
La letra de la canción First Dance - Justin Bieber es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Justin Bieber.
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