Fly Over You - Justin Bieber

Fly Over You - Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber

Fly Over You

Letra de la canción Fly Over You - Justin Bieber, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Fly Over You esta publicada en la categoria Justin Bieber donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Justin Bieber
Letra de Fly Over You - Justin Bieber
We have lift arms

we going to cross your legs
and you just keep the pace
keeping pace ..
Nothing is what it seems
sometimes there to remove the mask to the people.
Think twice before you do
nothing ever seemed so real.
I know you're to blame
of how I feel inside.
Girl broken heart.
Forgive me for telling the truth only
I do not think it is a no
I think your spare words to say
things are not settled by that
alone with that .. ohh no no
somewhat different look lovely
but you're just like all
Do not ask me the same question twice
know it's the same answer as always
You are my inspiration but not always trust you

oH! Let me fly over you
things go wrong
but never stop loving you
I know you feel the same.
I speak of love
not look at me more ..
always make me smile
I know that you have no risk side ..
I love and no lies
my life is you

either one or two if not more
are the times to forgive you
I do most times
but help me understand you
to you to understand yourself and things
Listen, do not go
ear tell me
Susrramé slowly
not yell at me
Approach slowly
I can love you
I've never been so close
a dream so real
Hold my hand
but do not let go

oH! Let me fly over you
things go wrong
but never stop Loving
I know you feel the same.
I speak of love
not look at me more ..
always make me smile
I know that you have no risk side ..
I love and no lies
my life is you

Let me live in peace if you are
do not hide,
there are no secrets between us

My song,for he(L)
La letra de la canción Fly Over You - Justin Bieber es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Justin Bieber.
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