Give Me All your Luvin - Madonna

Give Me All your Luvin - Madonna

Give Me All your Luvin

Letra de la canción Give Me All your Luvin - Madonna, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Give Me All your Luvin esta publicada en la categoria Madonna donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Give Me All your Luvin - Madonna
L-U-V Madonna
Y-O-U you wanna
I see you coming and I don’t wanna know your name
L-U-V Madonna
I see you coming and you’re gonna have to change the game
Y-O-U you wanna
Would you like to try?
Give me a reason why
Give me all that you got
Maybe you’ll do fine
As long as you don’t lie to me
And pretend to be what you’re not

Don’t play the stupid game
Cause I’m a different kind of girl
Every record sounds the same
You’ve got to step into my world
Give me all your love and give me your love
Give me all your love today
Give me all your love and give me your love
Let’s forget about time
And dance our lives away

L-U-V Madonna
Y-O-U you wanna
Keep trying don’t give up, it’s if you want it bad enough
L-U-V Madonna
It’s right in front of you, now tell me what you’re thinking of
Y-O-U you wanna
In another place, at a different time
You can be my lucky star
We can drink some wine
Burgundy is fine
Let’s drink the bottle every drop

Don’t play the stupid game
Cause I’m a different kind of girl
Every record sounds the same
You’ve got to step into my world
Give me all your love and give me your love
Give me all your love today
Give me all your love and give me your love
Let’s forget about time
And dance our lives away

[Nicki Minaj]

Give me all your love boy
You could be my boy, you could be my boy toy
In the nick of time I could say a sicker rhyme
Cause its time for change like a
I’m Roman, I’m a barbarian, Im Conan
You were sleeping on me you were dozin’
Now move, I’m goin’ in!!

You have all the L-U-V
I gave you everything you need
Now it’s up to y-o-u
Are you the one, shall we proceed?


Sw-sw-swag shh
No one gives you this
Supersonic bionic, uranium hit
So I break ‘em off tricks
Lets pray that it sticks
I’ma say this once, yeah I don’t give a shit

Don’t play the stupid game
Cause I’m a different kind of girl
Every record sounds the same
You’ve gotta step into my world
Give me all your love and give me your love
(L-U-V- Madonna)
Give me all your love and give me your love
(Y-O-U You wanna)
Give me all your love and give me your love
Give me all your love today
Give me all your love and give me your love
Let’s forget about time
And dance our lives away 
La letra de la canción Give Me All your Luvin - Madonna es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Madonna.
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