Ha Vuelto a Suceder (en ingles)
Letra de la canción Ha Vuelto a Suceder (en ingles) - Don Tetto, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Ha Vuelto a Suceder (en ingles) esta publicada en la categoria Don Tetto donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Ha Vuelto a Suceder (en ingles) - Don Tetto
It has happened again and swear not to return him to make three bottles to my side they indicate that it fails another time and that pain in my head he/she makes me think ma of her it was not the best way de to calm mi obsecion i need to forget i am to point of hating you but again it is friday it betrays me the reason because anything is enough if to be bad is it of always i will continue mixing desires with alcohol time it has already happened again i cannot understand it that your memory crosses me and he/she makes me go mad today it looks for you another time mi world this to the revez i am drunk and i am not afraid to fall single fuy kills of the ocacion i am a group of errors that he/she doesn't have solution for under of the average i should be a loser when i look to the mirror that huevon appears i need to forget i am to point of hating you but again it is friday it betrays me the reason because anything is enough if to be bad is it of always i will continue mixing desires with alcohol already time had happened again i cannot understand it that your memory crosses me and he/she makes me go mad today it looks for you another time mi world this to the revez i am drunk and i am not afraid to fall it has happened again i cannot understand it and although he/she attempts it again it always happens again time it has already happened again i cannot understand it that i am drunk and i am not afraid to fall
La letra de la canción Ha Vuelto a Suceder (en ingles) - Don Tetto es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Don Tetto.
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