Hate That I Love You ft Ne-Yo - Rihanna

Hate That I Love You ft Ne-Yo - Rihanna

Hate That I Love You ft Ne

Letra de la canción Hate That I Love You ft Ne-Yo - Rihanna, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Hate That I Love You ft Ne esta publicada en la categoria Rihanna donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Hate That I Love You ft Ne-Yo - Rihanna
That’s how much I love you
That’s how much I need you
And I can’t stand ya
Must everything you do make me wanna smile
Can I not like it for awhile
No.. but you won’t let me
You upset me girl, then you kiss my lips
All of a sudden I forget that I was upset
Can’t remember what you did

Well I hate it
You know exactly what to do
So that I can’t stay mad at you
For too long, that’s wrong
Girl, I hate it
You know exactly how to touch
So that I don’t wanna fuss and fight no more
So I despise that I adore
And I hate how much I love you boy
I can’t stand how much I need you
And I hate how much I love you boy
But I just can’t let you go
And I hate that I love you so..

And you completely know the power that you have
The only one that makes me laugh

Sad and it’s not fair how you take advantage
of the fact that I
Love you beyond the reason why
And it just ain’t right

And I hate how much I love you girl
I can’t stand how much I need you
And I hate how much I love you girl
But I just can’t let you go
And I hate that I love you so

One of these days maybe your magic won’t affect me
And your kiss won’t make me weak
But no one in this world knows me the way you know me
So you’ll probably always have a spell on me

That’s how much I love you
How much I need you
That’s how much I need you
That’s how much I love you
That’s how much I need you

And I hate that I love you so--
And I hate how much I love you boy
I can’t stand how much I need you
And I hate how much I love you boy
But I just can’t let you go
And I hate that I love you so
And I hate that I love you so.. so.
La letra de la canción Hate That I Love You ft Ne-Yo - Rihanna es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Rihanna.
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