Havana Moon - Santana

Havana Moon - Santana

Havana Moon

Letra de la canción Havana Moon - Santana, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Havana Moon esta publicada en la categoria Santana donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Havana Moon - Santana
Me all alone
Jug of rum
Me stand and wait for the boat to come
Is lonely night is quiet the dark
The boat she late it's 12 o' clock
Me watches the tide easin' in
Is low the moon and high the wind
Havana Moon
Havana Moon
Me all alone
Me open the rum
Is long the wait for the boat to come
American girl come back to me
Sail way across the sea
We dock in New York the buildings high
We find a home up in the sky
Havana Moon...
Havana Moon...
Me still alone me drinkin' the rum
Begin to think that the boat no come
American girl she tell a lie
She say till then, but she mean goodbye
Havana Moon...
Havana Moon...
Me lay down alone, no good the rum
Me fall asleep and the boat she come
The girl she look till come the dawn
She weep and she cry
Return for home
The whistle blow me open my eyes
Bright the sun blue the sky
Me grab me shoes, me jump and me run
Me see the boat head for horizon
Havana Moon is gone da rum
The boat she sail me love she gone
Havana Moon...
Havana Moon...
La letra de la canción Havana Moon - Santana es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Santana.
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