Heartbeat - Enrique Iglesias Ft. Nicole Scherzinger

Heartbeat - Enrique Iglesias Ft. Nicole Scherzinger
Enrique Iglesias


Letra de la canción Heartbeat - Enrique Iglesias Ft. Nicole Scherzinger, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Heartbeat esta publicada en la categoria Enrique Iglesias donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Enrique Iglesias
Letra de Heartbeat - Enrique Iglesias Ft. Nicole Scherzinger
I saw you talking on the phone
I know that you are not alone
But you steal my heart away
Yeah you steal my heart away

You’re acting like you’re on your own
But I saw you standing with a girl
Stop tryn’ to steal my heart away,
Stop tryn’ to steal my heart away

I don’t know where we going
I don’t know who we are

I can feel your heartbeat … x2
He said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
Running thorugh me
Feel your heartbeat
She said
I can feel your heartbeat
She said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
She said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
She said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
Running through me
Feel your heartbeat

Maybe it’s the way you move
You got me dreaming like a fool
That I can steal your heart away
I can steal your heart away

No matter what it is you think
I’m not the kind of girl you think
And give my heart away
Stop tryin’ steal my heart away

I don’t know where we going
I don’t know who we are

I can feel your heartbeat
He said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
He said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
Running through me
Feel your heartbeat
She said
I can feel your heartbeat
She said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
She said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
 Running through me

Stop stealling my heart away … x3
You’re stealling my heart away

I don’t know where we going
I don’t know who we are
Feels like we are flowing
High above the stars, the stars, the stars, the stars …

I can feel your heartbeat
He said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
He said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
Running through me
I can feel your heartbeat
She said
I can feel your heartbeat
She said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
She said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
Running through me
Feel your heartbeat

Stop stealing my heart away
Talk to me girl
Stop stealing my heart away
Give it to me boy
Stop stealing my heart away
Say it to me girl
You’re stealing my heart away

Stop stealing my heart away … x3
Your heartbeat..
La letra de la canción Heartbeat - Enrique Iglesias Ft. Nicole Scherzinger es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Enrique Iglesias.
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