I Dare You - Shakira

I Dare You - Shakira

I Dare You

Letra de la canción I Dare You - Shakira, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción I Dare You esta publicada en la categoria Shakira donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
I Dare You - Shakira
Letra de I Dare You - Shakira
How dare you.... 
How dare, how dare you. 

How dare to you to be there, 
just watching when everybody is having a blast. 
wavesounds, spiralling 
nobody is watching so just take me out. 

I wanna see you, I wanna feel you 
because I heard that you like to watch 
but tonight, It´s the night, come closer, come closer 
Lets take a step in the wildside. 

Starlighting and shining 
It´s truth or dare on the dance floor 
The time is now, It feels so right 
Everybody is watching 
It´s truth or dare on the dancefloor. 

Truth or dare on the dancefloor, 
I dare you to kiss me. 

The night is so young and the moon is so bright 
the lights are off and I´m feeeling wild. 
don-t take my home after the midnight tonight 
I´m cinderella dn you my bright shining armor knight. 

I dare you, I dare you, I dare you... 
I dare you to kiss me. 

(Those hips are sick miss... 
Hit the dancefloor Mr. red one, Afrojack) 

Starlighting and shining 
It´s truth or dare on the dance floor 
The time is now, It feels so right 
Everybody is watching 
It´s truth or dare on the dancefloor. 

Starlighting and shining 
It´s truth or dare on the dance floor 
The time is now, It feels so right 
Everybody is watching 
It´s truth or dare on the dancefloor. 

on the dancefloor. 
on the dancefloor.
La letra de la canción I Dare You - Shakira es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Shakira.
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