I'll always love you - Tito Nieves

I'll always love you - Tito Nieves
Tito Nieves

I'll always love you

Letra de la canción I'll always love you - Tito Nieves, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción I'll always love you esta publicada en la categoria Tito Nieves donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Tito Nieves
Letra de I'll always love you - Tito Nieves
I'll always love you for the rest of my days
You have won my heart and my soul with your sweet and sexy ways
You gave me hope when I needed someone near
You bring me happiness every day of the year
And I'll always love you for all that you are
(all that you are)
You have made me life complete you're my lucky star
You are the one that I've been searching for
You are my everything tell me who could ask for more
And I'll always love you
Honey this will never end, No no
Need you by my side baby
You're my lover my friend
You are the one that I've been searching for
You are my everything tell me who could ask for more
Hey Baby, You're my everything
(You are my everything)
You are my everything That's why I love you
(You are my everything)
Te quiero te adoro, eres mi único tesoro
(You are my everything)
I need you by my side
I hope you realize
(You are my everything)
Como un jardín de rosas
Vas alegrando mis cosas
(You are my everything)
You are my everything and that makes me wanna sing
La letra de la canción I'll always love you - Tito Nieves es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Tito Nieves.
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