I'm A Freak - Enrique Iglesias ft. Pitbull

I'm A Freak - Enrique Iglesias ft. Pitbull
Enrique Iglesias

I'm A Freak

Letra de la canción I'm A Freak - Enrique Iglesias ft. Pitbull, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción I'm A Freak esta publicada en la categoria Enrique Iglesias donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
I'm A Freak - Enrique Iglesias ft. Pitbull
Letra de I'm A Freak - Enrique Iglesias ft. Pitbull
Enrique Iglesias 
Mr. Worldwide 
Let’s go 

I tried to let it go 
But I’m addicted to your chemicals 
I got a piece, I want an overdose 
I love the way she gets so physical 
F*cks like an animal 

In night, 
I just imagine how you put your love on me 
Lights off, lightd on 
Ready for some action 
Baby, come and give it to me 

‘Cause I’m a freak 
The way you’re poppin’ and droppin’ 
All over me 
No, I don’t want you to stop it 
Yeah, I’m a freak 
Baby, I can’t lie 
When you move like that 
I got a one track mark 
‘Cause I’m a freak 
Yeah, I’m a freak 
‘Cause I’m a freak 
Yeah, I’m a freak 

Yeah, baby there you go 
Stealing my heart just like a criminal 
No turning back, this time is critical 
You move your body like a miracle 
Baby, here we go 

In night, 
I just imagine how you put your love on me 
Lights off, lightd on 
Ready for some action 
Baby, come and give it to me 
‘Cause I’m a freak 
The way you’re poppin’ and droppin’ 
All over me 
No, I don’t want you to stop it 
Yeah, I’m a freak 

Baby, I can’t lie 
When you move like that 
I got a one track mark 
‘Cause I’m a freak 
Yeah, I’m a freak 
‘Cause I’m a freak 
Yeah, I’m a freak 

Baby you pop and lock it 
Drop it, I watch it for sure 
Baby you rollin and rocking 
Move it, I use it, let’s go 
You know I leak it and do the things 
that they make you explode 
You don’t believe me, mami, 
just let me go low 
Because I’m a freak, that’s a no 
Now can I get big, big, big, 
baby back it up nice and slow 
I just wanna skip, skip, skip, 
ride out and go 
I came, I saw, I conquered, 
on to the next, let’s go 

[Enrique Iglesias] 
‘Cause I’m a freak 
The way you’re poppin’ and droppin’ 
All over me 
No, I don’t want you to stop it 
Yeah, I’m a freak 
Baby, I can’t lie 
When you move like that 
I got a one track mark 
‘Cause I’m a freak 
Yeah, I’m a freak 
‘Cause I’m a freak 
Yeah, I’m a freak 

It’s The Cataracs 

From the hotel room to the DJ booth 
On the bathroom seat, yes, I’m just a freak 
An when the sun goes down, gotta let it out 
Baby don’t blame me, I’m just a freak
La letra de la canción I'm A Freak - Enrique Iglesias ft. Pitbull es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Enrique Iglesias.
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