In America - Silvio Rodriguez

In America - Silvio Rodriguez
Silvio Rodriguez

In America

Letra de la canción In America - Silvio Rodriguez, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción In America esta publicada en la categoria Silvio Rodriguez donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Silvio Rodriguez
Letra de In America - Silvio Rodriguez
I grew up, here in America
Where good people worked hard
And everyone got along
I thought things were fine, here in America
But I was wrong
It seems it's all black and white, here in America
Either the color of money, or the color of your skin
Used to know wrong from right, here in America
And we will again
We can all live together
With Christ as Lord
And us united in Him
We will all live forever
When the King of Kings comes again
Through the eyes of our God, I see America
With no black and white
None in bondage or free
Because Jesus is Lord, here in America
And He'll always be- Oh yeah!
We can all live together
United in Him
La letra de la canción In America - Silvio Rodriguez es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Silvio Rodriguez.
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