I've Been Hearing That You're Freaky - Jonny Craig

I've Been Hearing That You're Freaky - Jonny Craig
Jonny Craig

I've Been Hearing That You're Freaky

Letra de la canción I've Been Hearing That You're Freaky - Jonny Craig, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción I've Been Hearing That You're Freaky esta publicada en la categoria Jonny Craig donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Jonny Craig

Letra de I've Been Hearing That You're Freaky - Jonny Craig

Back and forth we always go, following the light,
Over these broken cobblestones I call my life,
Tell me, who's to blame? And how many of you feel ashamed,
To say you turned your back in style?

I can't wait, it's your body taking over me,
And I can't wait, it's your body taking over me.

How did she get in my head?

Movements that shake the earth,
Somehow it feels so perfect,
Surrounded by this madness,
It keeps floating around my head,
Inside, inside, inside, inside.

I can't wait, it's your body taking over me,
And I can't wait, she's taking over me.

I can't wait, it's your body taking over me,
I can't wait, it's your body taking over me. 

La letra de la canción I've Been Hearing That You're Freaky - Jonny Craig es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jonny Craig.
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