Last Nite
Letra de la canción Last Nite - Adele, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Last Nite esta publicada en la categoria Adele donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Last Nite - Adele
Last night she said Oh, baby I feel so down Oh, and turned me off When I feel left out So I I turned around Oh, baby I don't care no more I know this for sure I'm walking Out that door Well, I've been in town For just about fifteen Ehole minutes now Oh, baby, I feel so down And I don't know why I keep walking for miles But the people They don't understand No, girlfriends They can't understand Your grandsons They won't understand On top of this I ain't ever Gonna understand Last night she said Oh, baby Don't feel so down Oh, and turned me off When I feel left out So I, I turned around Oh, baby I'm gonna be alright It was a great big lie Cuz I left that night Yeah Oh, people They don't understand No, girlfriends They don't understand In spaceships They won't understand And me I ain't ever Gonna understand Last night she said Oh, baby I feel so down She had turned me off When I feel left out So I I turned around Oh, little girl I don't care no more I know this for sure I'm walking Out that door, yeah
La letra de la canción Last Nite - Adele es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Adele.
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