Light Up The Night - Black Eyed Peas

Light Up The Night - Black Eyed Peas
Black Eyed Peas

Light Up The Night

Letra de la canción Light Up The Night - Black Eyed Peas, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Light Up The Night esta publicada en la categoria Black Eyed Peas donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Black Eyed Peas

Letra de Light Up The Night - Black Eyed Peas

Ayoo x3

Wait a minute
Uno dos
It's time to go

It's on and poppin'
And we ain't stoppin'
Let's light up the night
Let's light up the night
I've got it all in my pocket
And we gonna rock it
Let's light up the night
Let's light up the night
Baby it's on and poppin'
And we ain't stoppin'
Let's light up the night
Let's light up the night
I've got it all in my pocket
And we gonna rock it
Let's light up the night
Let's light up the night

Wait a minute
Uno dos
It's time to go

Hot beats pumpin' out the box
Yeah turn it up
Hot fire comin' out my torch
I'ma burn it up
Hot ladies walk up in the club
Honey, what's up?
Honey, what's up?
Come on, let's go

The big waist pumpin' like a thunder sound
Honey got a bottom bouncin', droppin' low, on the ground
Dropping low, submarine
Off the floor, trampoline
I got the fire burnin', blazin', bring the gasoline

Ohhh, wait a minute
Uno dos
It's time to go

It's on and poppin'
And we ain't stoppin'
Let's light up the night
Let's light up the night
I've got it all in my pocket
And we gonna rock it
Let's light up the night
Let's light up the night
It's on and poppin'
And we ain't stoppin'
Let's light up the night
Let's light up the night
I've got it all in my pocket
And we gonna rock it

Let's light up the night
Let's light up the night

Wait a minute
(i think we need to slow it down)
Wait a minute
(i think we need to slow it down)
Wait a minute
(i think we need to slow it down)
Wait a minute
(i think we need to slow it down)

Big beats bangin' out the speaker make the earth quake
I'm a baker's man, make dough and i get cake
My status flatter, i'ma rip this shit apart
I ain't sayin nada, but you know this shit by heart

(hey ohhh)
I got these party peopole screamin' sayin'
(hey ohhh)
I wait up on the alien
(hey ohhh)
My mother know that i ain't playin'

Wait a minute
Uno dos
It's time to go

It's on and poppin'
And we ain't stoppin'
Let's light up the night
Let's light up the night
I've got it all in my pocket
And we gonna rock it
Let's light up the night
Let's light up the night
Baby it's on and poppin'
And we ain't stoppin'
Let's light up the night
Let's light up the night
I've got it all in my pocket
And we gonna rock it
Let's light up the night
Let's light up the night

Wait a minute
(hey ohhh)
Wait a minute
(hey ohhh)
Wait a minute
(hey ohhh)
Wait a minute

I think we need to slow it down x2

Hey ohhh x8

La letra de la canción Light Up The Night - Black Eyed Peas es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Black Eyed Peas.
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