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Live To Tell - Madonna

Letra de la canción Live To Tell - Madonna, con su video oficial para escuchar en línea, la canción Live To Tell interpretada por Madonna esta publicada en la categoria Madonna donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.

Madonna interpreta uno de los temas que más suenan, si te emociona la buena música y te gusta saber la letra de tus canciones favoritas no te pierdas la letra de Live To Tell , no dejaras de escucharla.

Video de Live To Tell - Madonna

Letra de Live To Tell - Madonna
I have a tale to tell.
Sometimes it gets so hard
to hide it well.
I was not ready for the fall
Too blind to see the writing on the wall.

A man can tell a thousand lies
I've learned my lesson well.
Hope I live to tell the secret I have learned
Till then it will burn inside of me.

I know where beauty lives.
I've seen it once
I know the one she gives.
The light that you could never see.
It shines inside you can't take that from me.

A man can tell a thousand lies
I've learned my lesson well.
Hope I live to tell the secret I have learned
Till then it will burn inside of me.

The truth is never far behind
you kept it hidden well.
If I live to tell the secret I knew then
Will I ever have the chance again?

If I ran away I'd never have the strength
to go very far.
How would they hear
the beating of my heart?

Will it go cold (will it go cold?)
the secret that I hide - will I grow old?
How would they hear?
When will they learn.?
How would they know?

A man can tell a thousand lies
I've learned my lesson well.
Hope I live to tell the secret I have learned
Till then it will burn inside of me.

The truth is never far behind
you kept it hidden well.
If I live to tell the secret I knew then
Will I ever have the chance again?

La letra de la canción Live To Tell - Madonna es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Madonna.

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