L.o.v.e. (let One Voice Emerge) - Fergie

L.o.v.e. (let One Voice Emerge) - Fergie

L.o.v.e. (let One Voice Emerge)

Letra de la canción L.o.v.e. (let One Voice Emerge) - Fergie, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción L.o.v.e. (let One Voice Emerge) esta publicada en la categoria Fergie donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de L.o.v.e. (let One Voice Emerge) - Fergie
One voice means more than you know
Remember that you have a say
It's your one chance to channel your hopes
Don't let this chance slip away
('Cause every one matters)
It might seem like a whisper
Something no one else will hear
(But if we're together)
Truth grows louder and louder
Speak from your conscience with nothing to fear
L, O, V, E
Let One Voice Emerge
L, O, V, E
Let your voice be heard
(Women together)
L, O, V, E
Let One Voice Emerge
Sisters, it's time, for sure
To honor every sacrifice
Of the brave ones who've gone before
'Cause they've already paid the price
(And every one matters)
It might seem like a whisper
Something no one else will hear
(But if we're together)
Truth grows louder and louder
Speak from your conscience with nothing to fear
L, O, V, E
Let One Voice Emerge
L, O, V, E
Let your voice be heard
L, O, V, E
Let One Voice Emerge
L, O, V, E
Let your voice be heard
('Cause every one matters)
It might seem like a whisper
(Women together)
'Til you learn you can roar
(We can do better)
Truth grows louder and louder
Voices together
Like notes in a chord
La letra de la canción L.o.v.e. (let One Voice Emerge) - Fergie es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Fergie.
¿La canción L.o.v.e. (let One Voice Emerge) - Fergie tiene un error? Repórtalo en el formulario de contacto.

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