Love You Long Time - Black Eyed Peas

Love You Long Time - Black Eyed Peas
Black Eyed Peas

Love You Long Time

Letra de la canción Love You Long Time - Black Eyed Peas, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Love You Long Time esta publicada en la categoria Black Eyed Peas donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Black Eyed Peas

Letra de Love You Long Time - Black Eyed Peas

What would you do?
If i walked up to you
And i told ya how i feel
About ya now
And what would you say
If i took your breath away
And i loved you everyday
The way i do now

Would you let me love you let me you long time
Would you let me love you let me you long time
Would you let me love you let me you long time
Would you let me love you let me you long time

Boy i'll let you love me let you love me long time
Boy i'll let you love me let you love me long time
Boy i'll let you love me let you love me long time
Boy i'll let you love me let you love me long time
What would it take?
If we can up and runaway
We can throw our problems away
And get out of town
And how do you feel
I hope you know that i'm for real
I ain't playing games baby
I'm serious now
So baby let me love you let me you long time
Baby let me love you let me you long time
Baby let me love you let me you long time
Baby let me love you let me you long time

Boy i'll let you love me let you love me long time
Boy i'll let you love me let you love me long time

Boy i'll let you love me let you love me long time
Boy i'll let you love me let you love me long time
In the velvet lounge
In the velvet lounge
In the velvet lounge
Let's put our love together
And come walk with me
Girl we are so perfect baby you and me
All i all i wanna do is spend little time
Your lovin is so special
It keeps you on my mind
Something bout our lovin girl
Is better forever
Nothing like no other
Let's keep this together
Me and you just feels like
Every day is still right
Baby keep it coming
And i love you long time
Boy i'll let you love me let you love me long time
Boy i'll let you love me let you love me long time
Boy i'll let you love me let you love me long time
Boy i'll let you love me let you love me in the velvet lounge
In the velvet lounge
In the velvet lounge
In the velvet lounge
In the velvet looounge

La letra de la canción Love You Long Time - Black Eyed Peas es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Black Eyed Peas.
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