Me Compre Una Cama (en ingles) - Kevin Roldan

Me Compre Una Cama (en ingles) - Kevin Roldan
Kevin Roldan

Me Compre Una Cama (en ingles)

Letra de la canción Me Compre Una Cama (en ingles) - Kevin Roldan, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Me Compre Una Cama (en ingles) esta publicada en la categoria Kevin Roldan donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Kevin Roldan
Letra de Me Compre Una Cama (en ingles) - Kevin Roldan
(Mom, The Real One)
Shabarabara Shabarabara papaw
(Represent Baby)
Shabarabara Shabarabara papaw
(Kevin Roldaaaan)
Babe I bought a bed
and I release it Hooy
Contigo Hooooy
Tell Freddo
After the disco closed
In the house she came KR
She showed her body naked
And the three pa 'the same room
Welcome to my Suite Babe
Relax this will only stay between the three
this will only stay between the three
this will only stay between the three
This is the Mother Focker Remix

And I'm going to give Oh Oh Babe Sex
Use it you will be with the two Babe

And I'm going to give Oh Oh Babe Sex
Use it you will be with the two Babe

Nena's me KR Ball parameterization in person
Ganster here below the Cage
what if we're 2 hours at a place alone
Mommy, where podamo 'being in ball (hehe)
(Haha) I turned on the swich
___________________ By the seviche
Time came Fetish
Freddo nosy wine Biche
Motha Fucker With All The Bichi Baby Girl
Kevin Roldan and takin the garment Freddo
Colombia Represent handle this shit music
I like the trio aunt? again this is Freddo

And I'm going to give Oh Oh Babe Sex
Use it you will be with the two Babe

And I'm going to give Oh Oh Babe Sex
Use it you will be with the two Babe

Ay ay ay ay ay Ayyy
what to expect strong
and has no way to escape
ay ay ay ay ay ayyyyy
I'll give mom so hard that tomorrow will not be able to stand
As animals
Dale Mami do not stop, Get over the bed and not eat as
Two Cannibals
The cannibal bought vamo 'pa bed
Thus enters parcero pa 'you turn to mary juana
Maaaaaaa Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ah
This is Kevin Roldan Man With Freddo
Ey ey ey ey eyy
Mama Uhhhhhhhhhh ah ah ah
______________________ The cat that you do
Ey ey ey ey Kevin Roldan
I bought a bed Babe
and I estreanarla hoooy, you hooooyy
I know you like my Suite Babe
We though this would only be among the three
This would only be among the three
Among the Tree-e

And I'm going to give Oh Oh Babe Sex
Use it you will be with the two Babe

And I'm going to give Oh Oh Babe Sex
Use it you will be with the two Babe

Shabarabara Shabarabara papaw
Kevin Roldan Babe
Shabarabara Shabarabara papaw
Freddo, Strikes
Colombia Represent music
The Boldim, KR Msr
Multi Bussim
Mandy The musician, poet and crazy
Here in repre
If Booty
There is not (haha)
As eta 'Hey crazy
La letra de la canción Me Compre Una Cama (en ingles) - Kevin Roldan es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Kevin Roldan.
¿La canción Me Compre Una Cama (en ingles) - Kevin Roldan tiene un error? Repórtalo en el formulario de contacto.

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