Minecraft Style - Psy

Minecraft Style - Psy

Minecraft Style

Letra de la canción Minecraft Style - Psy, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Minecraft Style esta publicada en la categoria Psy donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Minecraft Style - Psy
Diggin' Minecraft Style 
Minecraft Style 

Diggin' a hole, just one more time until I score this 
Strike rich on diamonds, iron, gold and build our decked out fortress 
All we need is just a bit of luck to not abort this 
Runnin' low we can't afford this 

Dungeons under here 
Just the last time a group of creepers came out over there 
Blew up a vein of diamonds then chased us all out of there 
A spider army dropped down from the roof into our hair 
Ran back to fresh air 

This ain't your land, you're gonna get banned 
So you know, hey, 
When you plan to go, hey 
When you're diggin', you'd better listen 
So you know, hey, 
When they gonna show, hey, 

Makin' sure you're all prepared before you go 

Diggin' Minecraft style 
Minecraft style 
Dig, dig, dig, dig, diggin' Minecraft style 
Minecraft style 
Dig, dig, dig, dig, diggin' Minecraft style 

Ay, sexy piggy 
Dig, dig, dig, dig, diggin' Minecraft style 
Ay, sexy piggy 
Dig, dig, dig, dig 

Back on the ground we layin' redstone through the forest 
To wire our monster traps so all the zombies will ignore us 
We built this city block by block and we don't welcome tourists 
But they still come lookin' for us 

Like a sauna here 
We built a portal to the nether lava everywhere 
Zombie pigs and ghasts flyin' all around so tread with care 
Best you craft some armor and exchange that for the clothes you wear 
While you're under here 

Lava flowin', those lakes are glowin' 
Down below, hey 
You should probably go, hey 
But you're ready, your arms are steady, 
Grab your bow, hey 
Shoot the fatal blow, hey 

Run away now 'cause you missed you were too slow 

Diggin' Minecraft style 
Minecraft style 
Dig, dig, dig, dig, diggin' Minecraft style 
Minecraft style 
Dig, dig, dig, dig, diggin' Minecraft style 

Ayyyyyyyyyy sexy piggy 
Dig, dig, dig, dig, diggin' Minecraft style 
Ayyyyyyyyyy sexy piggy 
Dig, dig, dig, dig 

Dig some more 
Until you hit the core 
Diamonds, diamonds baby that's what we're all lookin' for 
Dig some more 
Until you hit the core 
When you find 'em baby then you know it's time to soar 
Ain't a game we're playin 

Diggin' Minecraft style 
Ay sexy piggy 
Dig, dig, dig, dig, diggin' Minecraft style 
Ay sexy piggy 
Dig, dig, dig, dig 

Diggin' Minecraft style
La letra de la canción Minecraft Style - Psy es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Psy.
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