My Dream or Nightmare - Justin Bieber

My Dream or Nightmare - Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber

My Dream or Nightmare

Letra de la canción My Dream or Nightmare - Justin Bieber, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción My Dream or Nightmare esta publicada en la categoria Justin Bieber donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Justin Bieber
Letra de My Dream or Nightmare - Justin Bieber
One day upon awakening
I began to mourn for reminding
It was a dream or a nightmare?
Help die tonight

And every morning trying to remember you
that scene in a coffin and your crying
kill me .. I stabbed in the back
die if they do not tell me going babe

It's just a dream or a nightmare
It's only you look deep in my life
Your smile macabre
moribumda love your laugh x2

Come back to me your black dress and your hood
Just imagine that scene is my funeral
The reason for all this must be the missing
your refusal will only kill me?

Kill me? Kill me ....
Hoo hoo hoo You were my death and always will be

It's just a dream or a nightmare
It's only you look deep in my life
Your smile macabre
moribumda love your laugh x2

Kill me now if your rejection was not a dream and reality is just a damn Truth
La letra de la canción My Dream or Nightmare - Justin Bieber es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Justin Bieber.
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