Naked - Enrique Iglesias

Naked - Enrique Iglesias
Letra de la canción Naked - Enrique Iglesias, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Naked esta publicada en la categoria Enrique Iglesias donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Enrique Iglesias
Letra de Naked - Enrique Iglesias
You got a girl
That doesn't look a thing like me
The girl, your mother always said it would be
So, you could say that, you could say that
I'm hopeless

But that ain't the girl
That ain't the girl I want you to be
The girl that keeps up
And I see in my dreams
So, you could say that, you could say that
I love her

So I don't care what they say
It's our life life life
We can dance if we want
Make it feel alright
Temperature's rising
I feel the fire
Tonight, it's just me and you

Tell me baby, will you be here when I wake up
Even with no make up
I don't want to fake it

And you don't gotta doubt a second if I miss you
Everytime I'm with you
I feel naked

(Hey! I feel naked, I want it, so let me get it,
You say you got it, won't you come to get it?)

If I told you girl
Come and run away with me
Now will you throw it all away for me
I need to know that, need to know that
It's not over

Cause you were the boy
Daddy told you to stay away from me
But you're nothing but a fantasy
I need to know that, need to know that
You'd be strong enough to believe in us?

Cause I don't care what they say
It's our life life life
We can dance if we want
Make it feel alright
Temperature's rising
I feel the fire
Tonight, it's just me and you

Tell me baby, will you be here when I wake up?
Even with no make up
I don't want to fake it

And you don't gotta doubt a second if I miss you
Everytime I'm with you
I feel naked

(Hey! I feel naked, I want it, so let me get it,
You say you got it, won't you come to get it?)

I don't care what they say
It's our life life life
We can dance if we want
Make it feel alright
Temperature's rising
I feel the fire
Tonight, it's just me and you
Tonight, it's just me and you

So Tell me baby, will you be here when I wake up
I feel naked

(I feel naked, I want it, so let me get it,
You say you got it, it's The Cataracs)

(I feel naked, I want it, so let me get it,
You say you got it, won't you come to get it?)

Tonight, it's just me and you.
La letra de la canción Naked - Enrique Iglesias es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Enrique Iglesias.
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