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Never Gonna Be The Same - Sean Paul

Letra de la canción Never Gonna Be The Same - Sean Paul, con su video oficial para escuchar en línea, la canción Never Gonna Be The Same interpretada por Sean Paul esta publicada en la categoria Sean Paul donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.

Sean Paul interpreta uno de los temas que más suenan, si te emociona la buena música y te gusta saber la letra de tus canciones favoritas no te pierdas la letra de Never Gonna Be The Same , no dejaras de escucharla.

Video de Never Gonna Be The Same - Sean Paul

Sean Paul
Letra de Never Gonna Be The Same - Sean Paul
Say when mi look up ina mi life its plain to see.
That its never gonna be the same.
Take another step on towards my destiny.
But the memories still remain.
Deep ina mi brain inna mi soul I hold the key.
Said its never gonna be the same.
Throughout all life and beyond all eternity.
I keep burnin up the flame.

Verse 1:

Wish I could rewind all the hands of time and bring back
Daddigon a great bredrin of mine, I....
Sit and remember all the things that we spoke of,
All of the serious reasonings an all di tings we make jokes of.
Still cannot believe them took your life away
But those who pull the trigger cannot take away.
The covenant the righteous have with Jah Jah.
So I know I'll see you again my brother.

Verse 2:
Fi all the friends and families that have past on.
Leaving impressions and memories that will last on.
We give thanks fi all the time that we know them,
Reminisce them legacy that is what we owe them.
Because the helped to make us who we are.
So let us never forget and talk it near and far.
Less Up Grandpa Lee and Aunt Chris-I
Can't forget you if I try.

Verse 3:
Father Bogle (keep burnin up all the flame)
Simpleton (never gonna ever gonna be the same)
Peter Cargill (keep burnin up all the flame)
Shorty Malcolm (got memories inna mi brain)
Nicole Wynter (keep burnin up all the flame)
All friends and family....We'll never forget you all

Chorus: (repeat)

La letra de la canción Never Gonna Be The Same - Sean Paul es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Sean Paul.

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